April 13, 2022
I woke up to find myself in the 130’s, and bolused three units when I had breakfast, because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to squeeze in a walk first thing in the morning.
Then I went for a quick walk to run an errand and started nibbling first at lunch and then had a couple of small snacks over the course of the afternoon.
At dinner I figured I would not be able to squeeze in an exercise session in the evening, so I bolused to bring the levels down. That brought me into the 115 mg/dl level that I maintained throughout the evening. All things being equal, I would have bolused some long acting insulin overnight, maybe four or five units, but I got lazy. In the end my level rose about 20 points to 135. That’s not the end of the world, but my A1C will do better overall if I could keep my overnight level closer to 100.