April 28, 2022
I’ve got screenshots of two time periods over the last 18 hours. The first is from the 24 hours up to 9:00 pm last night, and the second is of the 24 hours up to 11:00 am today. Of note is that yesterday showcased two long steady climbs from the low end of my range to the high end of my range. I didn’t intercede as perhaps I should, to have keep them levels from getting so high, but eventually I moved to bring them down from the 170’s.
This second screenshot is from 11:00 am today. You can see that the curve starts high on the left side – around 175 mg/dl, and then drops. That is the peak of the curve from around yesterday noon.
The level resets to about 115 mg/dl, then starts to gradually climb again. My walk just before 18:00 (6:00 pm) may have kept the levels from climbing faster from my snacks at that hour, but the still climb faster than before eating.
When I sit down to have dinner, I over react to the fact that I’m starting dinner around 175 mg/dl, and bolus more than I need. The drop starts so quickly, that I realized I over compensated for the high start point and the food of dinner. A bit after dinner, I eat some chocolate and sweets to curb the decline. It works, the levels flatten for the duration of the three hour window of effectiveness, and at the end of that window, they stat to climb again.
They top out at 130, and then began to hover in the high 120’s. As I went to sleep, I decided to take the edge off with a single unit of fast acting insulin and four units of long acting (for overnight). That kept my overall levels under 130 mg/dl until around 06:00.
Under normal circumstances I would be revving up to start the day around 06:30, but I slept in this morning because I had a lazy morning and a chance to recharge my batteries. My levels stayed relatively level throughout the morning. I take comfort in the fact that I’m still producing enough insulin on my own to stay relatively level if I’m not eating anything…most of the time.
That’s me, Managing It at Sugar vs. Treadmill.