May 4, 2022
I’ll start out by saying that my blood sugar did not spike yesterday, but it did climb and stayed pegged higher than I would like.
I was 150-180 for most of the day. What a drag.
I think it was the result of starting the day off with breakfast, but then not having anything else that would bring my levels down. I didn’t bolus and I didn’t got for a walk.
Then I went to lunch and have a hamburger with a bun, but I don’t bolus enough given that I’m starting lunch already at about 170 mg/dl. The insulin dropped my levels a little but only briefly before I climb back to that same level by 4:30 pm.
The walk that I take myself on before starting dinner brings the levels down, but then I start snacking as I’m preparing dinner. Between that and dinner itself, I climb right back up to 180+. (As an aside, I wonder why I climbed right up to the upper limit of my glucose alarm, but didn’t go over.)
Given that my levels were high all day, I decided to exercise for an extended session last night, so I worked on the elliptical for an hour. Of interest was that within 30 minutes I was at 99, but then I flattened out. I watched my levels flatten at 95 for the remainder of my session. Once I’d finished, I climbed a bit briefly, and then it climbed back up to 130.
Unimpressed by what 1.5 units had done earlier in the week, I bolused two units of fastaacting insulin plus the 5 units of long acting insulin. That brought my levels into the 100-110 mg/dl range, and carried me through the night until the dawn. That was a decent soft landing.
On balance, I wasn’t aggressive enough in bringing the levels back into my target range. The last couple days have been short nights, so maybe that lack of sleep also accounts for why I found myself being less successful keeping my overall level below 140 mg/dl maximum.
No sense in crying over spilled milk — or a bad BG day. We’ll start over again tomorrow.
That’s me, scarcely Managing It, at Sugar vs Treadmill.