My CGT data for May 4, 2022

May 4, 2022

I’ll start out by saying that my blood sugar did not spike yesterday, but it did climb and stayed pegged higher than I would like. 

I was 150-180 for most of the day.  What a drag.

I think it was the result of starting the day off with breakfast, but then not having anything else that would bring my levels down.  I didn’t bolus and I didn’t got for a walk.  

Then I went to lunch and have a hamburger with a bun, but I don’t bolus enough given that I’m starting lunch already at about 170 mg/dl.  The insulin dropped my levels a little but only briefly before I climb back to that same level by 4:30 pm.

The walk that I take myself on before starting dinner brings the levels down, but then I start snacking as I’m preparing dinner. Between that and dinner itself, I climb right back up to 180+. (As an aside, I wonder why I climbed right up to the upper limit of my glucose alarm, but didn’t go over.)

Given that my levels were high all day, I decided to exercise for an extended session last night, so I worked on the elliptical for an hour. Of interest was that within 30 minutes I was at 99, but then I flattened out. I watched my levels flatten at 95 for the remainder of my session.  Once I’d finished, I climbed a bit briefly, and then it climbed back up to 130.  

Unimpressed by what 1.5 units had done earlier in the week, I bolused two units of fastaacting insulin plus the 5 units of long acting insulin. That brought my levels into the 100-110 mg/dl range, and carried me through the night until the dawn.  That was a decent soft landing. 

On balance, I wasn’t aggressive enough in bringing the levels back into my target range.  The last couple days have been short nights, so maybe that lack of sleep also accounts for why I found myself being less successful keeping my overall level below 140 mg/dl maximum.  

No sense in crying over spilled milk — or a bad BG day.  We’ll start over again tomorrow.

That’s me, scarcely Managing It, at Sugar vs Treadmill.

My CGM data for May 3, 2022

May 3, 2022

I spent yesterday without a car (no thanks to a catalytic converter theft), so I had to take public transport and walk myself around the city to my appointments.

You can see the little spurts of exertion in today’s graphic , especially as I got myself to the train, walked to a meeting, walked to another meeting, walked to lunch, got back to the train and went home. The blood sugar levels appear to bob and weave in virtual lockstep with that exertion.  

There’s a peak after dinner that the insulin reins in.  The drop was a bit rapid, so I nibbled a bit more to fend off a crash. I probably would have been fine had I not had the 10:30 pm snack.  

The 1.5 units of fast-acting insulin at 1:30-2 am was probably insufficient.  It didn’t drop my levels at all, until after dawn.  The small crest at about 5 am is curious, especially followed by a drop to about 100 at wake up.  

Walking instead of driving today, I’m Managing It at SugarvsTreadmill.

My CGM data for May 2, 2022

May 2, 2022

Yesterday was the Sunday of a celebration weekend, so there was a fair bit indulgence when it came to food.  For breakfast I had some pastries, so bolused right at breakfast because I knew I was asking too much of myself to fail to do so.

My BG levels dropped immediately, but then they climbed right back up, even within the three-hour window of the fast acting insulin.  I think the sugar of the pastries started to hit, and that overwrote the impact of the insulin.  Happily, the levels did not skyrocket, and indeed began to drop again.  

We had a nice lunch that warranted additional insulin, and which brought my rising levels back down, but then interestingly it started to climb before dropping once more.  

At about 5 pm, I grazed on a variety of things that caused my BG levels to start climbing once more.  The trajectory of the climb was pretty gradual, and then, as you can see in the data, at around 8 pm, it takes off and climbs more rapidly only to then start dropping once more.

I’m not sure what accounted for the rapid rise followed by the decline.  I don’t see any exercise in my notes.  Maybe some of my internal pancreatic system decided to come online.  

At the end of the night I did a quick round of elliptical to burn off the rest of the sugar, and at about 100 mg/dl, I bolused long-acting insulin to make it through the night.  That finish was an effective soft landing.

That’s me, Managing It at Sugar vs. Treadmill.