My experiment to see if I might stay stable overnight sort of worked. It went up 10-15 points overnight, but not over 140. In that, it was a gratifying to see that I didn’t spike.
Month: April 2020
My experiment to see if I might stay stable overnight sort of worked. It went up 10-15 points overnight, but not over 140. In that, it was a gratifying to see that I didn’t spike.
I’m surprised by how little my BG dipped after an hour of elliptical. It was something like 180 down to 116. I wonder how much adjustment or acclimation is happening as I become more regular in doing hour-long sessions.
I had a long yard work day yesterday, and an early dinner with a long walk afterward. I seem to have evenly balanced the birthday cake without spiking in the night, last night. Overnight was totally even. I did spike right after the cake because I didn’t bolus in time, or exercise. It is not good to let levels spike like that.
Looks like my cocktail combination worked well for where I was last night. It dropped me a few points, and kept me stable the whole night through.
Stayed up way too late working on a project, and didn’t elliptical as usual. That’s pretty uncommon for me. I decided to try repeating the insulin cocktail proportions of several days ago – 2 unit Humalog and 4 units of Humalin. We’ll see if that keeps me within range tonight.
My overnight BG level was pretty good without insulin! I stayed lower over the course of the day yesterday than I have in recent days (with insulin). I also hadn’t over-consumed carbs at dinner, so both those reasons may have contributed to this stability. I wonder what else was at work…
I had a quicker recovery tonight to a decent BG range. To get to bed earlier, I cut off the session at 30 minutes. I still stretched afterwards. I didn’t have too big of a dinner and no carb temptations.
My profile after exercise looks ok, so I’m inclined to try the night without Humilin to see what happens. Still not resolved what I’ll do before hitting the pillow, bolus or not?
Looks like the “cocktail” of a “squirt” of Humalog (2 units) and Humalin (4 units) was enough to bring my levels down to 92 overnight.
I’m letting my levels spike too high, and in some cases linger too long.
Looks like my overnight levels were lower with 4 units of Humalin, rather than the night before when I had three units, and didn’t dip too low.