Woke up last night with a racing heart. May have been too hot, because everything settled down after I peeled off layers. I have a new sensor, so not sure how well calibrated it is. The tracking overnight was off, so this morning’s data suggests my levels were high. Maybe the racing heart was the result of my having high BG? Because I didn’t wait 3 hours after dinner, I could have been digesting after the elliptical session, thereby flooding the system with glucose after completing my workout. Right now I’m at 133, but it looks like I’ve been higher most of the night.
Month: March 2020
Well, I climbed up to 150 overnight last night, but then dropped back down to 120 by the time I woke. That’s a comfort, I guess.
Yesterday I watched my levels gradually climb in the morning for the second or third day, and decided to enjoy an apple and bolus 3 units of Humalog around 15:00. That kept my level from going too high.
We’ll see where I end up by morning. After 45 minutes of elliptical to end up back up at 136 feels like working out at night is defeating the purpose. Like yesterday, it took a while (~25 min) before the BG number budged at all.
It is interesting that my levels continued to drop even though I’ve been up for three hours. Often they rise slightly once I start moving around. I just finished a meditation session, and it is common to see the levels rise slightly during such as session. But instead, it kept on dropping. Now I’m at 112… am going to start with the day, and grab some breakfast. I expect it will start climbing now.
After stubbornly resisting to drop during last night’s workout, my BG bounced back up to just above 146 last night, and then gradually dropped back to 130 by the time I woke at 8:30.
Tonight’s BG was stubborn. I was going at full tilt for 25 minutes and had only dropped to 164. It was clear then that I needed to go a full hour to get it below 120. At the moment I’m at 106.
My BG climbed overnight, but then came back down to 114, which is fine. Not sure how high it went, but probably not that high based on the slope of the line. ~140 most likely.
This is an overnight profile I’m more accustomed to seeing, where the level bounces back up to 120-ish overnight after exercise. I stopped pushing hard at about 34 minutes. I’ll have to see in the future if the full hour keeps me low overnight as I saw the night before last and the night before that.
Today’s levels were pretty steady throughout the day until dinner. Breakfast didn’t push the level up. The late lunch of broccoli soup did, but I would walk that back down to a reasonable level by going for a walk. The level at dinner rose much higher than at lunch, so that took more intense exercise to work off. I wonder why the dinner fare moves the levels so much higher…
This is the profile of the BG dropping during exercise. I was up to almost 200, and it did not want to come down initially. At 15 minutes, the level hadn’t budged much. It took going longer to see the drop start.
Doing a whole hour of elliptical before bed has now twice resulted in my morning BG being below 100. Last night I peaked at 118, and it then dropped back down to 96 when I woke. It may be that the last 15 minutes I backed off and cooled down, rather than pushing hard until the end. not sure. I’m a bit more sore in the morning than normal, so this will be something to aclimate to.