I added nonfat yogurt to nut cereal today, and got faster/higher BG increase than on other days w just almond milk. See BG rising to 170 after breakfast. Also, just now taking fiber, a couple hours after breakfast. Might fiber have buffered the rapid climb?
Last night’s exercise brought my BG back down, and then it started climbing back up, as it does. At 1:30 am I see the signature drop and recovery that I’ve started seeing overnight lately. I wonder what causes that.
Dinner last night took me to ~180, but then began to drop. Because I couldn’t exercise before bed, I bolused 2 units of fast acting insulin when I was back down to 137. It dropped me below 70 – a dramatic amount for only 2 units. Then I dipped and rebounded. I stayed at 70 until waking. I’m far more sensitive than normal.
The bump at 11:00 am is from breakfast – bowl of nuts. That’s maybe a higher bump than other days when my BG levels were even lower over all, but the level then drops on its own back to a normal level. That’s encouraging.
BG control: look at the BG levels overnight. My overnight regulation is not as good as in prior days. I may have jinxed myself by suggesting that I was using less insulin because this profile looks like I could use some Humulin overnight. Most curious is the virtual crash at about 4 am followed by a rebound and over-compensation. I don’t know what could have accounted for that. I didn’t have any insulin on board. I was having vivid dreams. It can’t imagine that would have affected anything, but who knows. I’ve never seen a spontaneous drop like that before. I was asked why I thought I had needed to use insulin on Friday morning after a month without. I thought two possible causes: (1) my levels have been gradually climbing since starting a trial with fiber, and (2) I had more carbs that morning while making breakfast and lunches for the kids than normal, so I assumed I’d need it. The first spike on this screenshot is from dinner. I started dinner around 140 BG.